Early Detection of Dementia is available for Everyone

W Vivid Mind wykorzystujemy opatentowaną wiedzę specjalistyczną w zakresie przetwarzania dźwięku oraz algorytmów, aby wykorzystać wiodące, oparte na dowodach badania nad głosem jako biomarkerem zaburzeń funkcji poznawczych (demencji).

Nasze rozwiązanie jest proste i szybkie (test realizowany i interpretowany w mniej niż minutę). Jest również dostępne dla każdego, kto chce poznać stan swoich funkcji poznawczych.

Równolegle oferujemy lekarzom rodzinnym i specjalistom precyzyjne narzędzie do badania i monitorowania zaburzeń funkcji poznawczych.




Medical University of Wrocław
Formation of the team and the first research and development partnership with a research institution (Medical University of Wrocław).
EIT Health
Collaboration with EIT Health initiated in 2022. Participated in mentoring and acceleration programs, and was a finalist in the Wild Card program.
Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie
Expansion of collaboration to leading Polish medical universities and teaching hospitals (Szczecin) - 4th quarter of 2023.



Concept verification
Concept verification completed at the end of 2022 based on a sample of over 250 recordings along with clinical data.
Grant for the implementation of research and development work results (PARP) as well as financing from business angels (pre-seed) obtained in the second half of 2022 and in 2023.
Clinical trials
Preparations underway to commence clinical trials in the 4th quarter of 2024.


The Spectrum Insights team is working on creating cognitive tests and reaching a million people around the world. Thanks to the combination of medicine, psychology, neurology, regulatory issues, artificial intelligence, business, and finance, we provide a new quality of healthcare.

Jędrzej Kardach

CTO, Co-founder

Graduate of Applied Mathematics at LSE. Data specialist who created solutions in artificial intelligence in collaboration with academics and Princeton University for MarTech startups. Founded dri.io.
Dariusz Wiatr.

Dariusz Wiatr

Business Development, Co-founder

Holds an MBA degree from Wharton School. Former Partner at Gemini Consulting, Accenture (San Francisco, CA), and McKinsey&Co. Business Angel and VC investor.
Adam Pluta.

Adam Pluta

Sound Director, Co-founder

Former board member of a company listed on GPW. Founder of Sound Object Technologies S.A.

Juliusz Donajski

CEO, co-founder

One of the pioneers of the Internet in Poland. Entrepreneur with many years of experience. Managed several research and development projects.

Elżbieta Trypka, Ph.D.

Chief Medical Scientist

Associated with the Medical University of Wroclaw. Specialist in the field of psychiatry. Lecturer and board member of the Polish Society of Neuropsychiatric. Focuses on neurodegenerative diseases and early diagnostic methods.

Piotr Zioło, Ph.D.

Data Scientist

Doctor of Mathematics, Master of Computer Science. Expert in the field of artificial intelligence, collaborated with the Polish Academy of Sciences and Princeton University. Thanks to his knowledge, experience, and commitment, Spectrum Insights pushes the boundaries of what is possible in medicine and technology.